Fresno Ca Dog Pound Gang: Tips For Dog Owners

If you're a dog owner in Fresno, California, chances are you've heard of the "Dog Pound Gang." This group of stray dogs has been causing trouble in the area, leading to concerns among residents and pet owners alike. In this article, we'll discuss who the Dog Pound Gang is, the related problems and solutions, answer some common questions, and provide tips for dealing with them.

Who is the Dog Pound Gang?

The Dog Pound Gang is a group of stray dogs that roam around the Fresno area. They are known to be aggressive and territorial, often attacking other dogs and even humans who come too close to their territory. It is believed that the dogs were originally abandoned by their owners or simply left to fend for themselves on the streets.

The Related Problems and Solutions

One of the biggest problems with the Dog Pound Gang is their aggression towards other dogs and humans. This can lead to injuries and even fatalities, as well as a general sense of fear and unease in the community. In response, the city of Fresno has implemented several solutions to address the issue.

One solution is to increase the number of animal control officers in the area. These officers are responsible for capturing and removing stray dogs from the streets, which can help reduce the number of dogs in the Dog Pound Gang. Another solution is to encourage pet owners to spay and neuter their dogs, which can help prevent the overpopulation of strays in the first place.

Common Questions and Answers

Q: Are the Dog Pound Gang dogs all pit bulls?

A: No, the Dog Pound Gang includes a variety of breeds and mixes. While some members of the gang may be pit bulls, not all of them are.

Q: What should I do if I encounter a member of the Dog Pound Gang?

A: It's important to stay calm and avoid making any sudden movements. Try to slowly back away from the dog and avoid direct eye contact. If the dog becomes aggressive, do not run away, as this can trigger their prey drive. Instead, stand still and use a firm voice to command the dog to "stay" or "go away."

Q: Can the Dog Pound Gang be rehabilitated?

A: It is difficult to say. While some individual dogs may be able to be rehabilitated with training and socialization, the gang as a whole is often too large and dangerous to be effectively rehabilitated.

Tips for Dealing with the Dog Pound Gang

If you're a pet owner in Fresno, it's important to take precautions to protect your dog from the Dog Pound Gang. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your dog on a leash at all times when outside.
  • Avoid walking your dog in areas where the Dog Pound Gang is known to roam.
  • Be vigilant when letting your dog outside in your yard. Make sure your fence is secure and consider adding a lock or alarm to the gate.
  • If you see a member of the Dog Pound Gang, report it to animal control immediately.


The Dog Pound Gang is a serious issue for pet owners in Fresno, California. While there are solutions in place to try and address the problem, it's important for dog owners to take precautions to protect their pets. By staying vigilant and following the tips listed above, you can help keep your dog safe from the Dog Pound Gang.



Fresno, Dog Pound Gang, stray dogs, aggression, animal control, spay and neuter, pet safety, rehabilitation